Hajiji praises Health DG's handling of Covid-19 in Sabah

 By Olivia Miwil - November 13, 2020 @ 3:54pm

Hajiji Noor Sabah CM
Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor extended his appreciation to the hard work and sacrifices made by frontliners to tackle the vast number of cases in the state. - NST/file pic.

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government has come to the defence of the Health Ministry as well as Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah in handling the Covid-19 pandemic in the state.

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor extended his appreciation to the hard work and sacrifices made by frontliners to tackle the vast number of cases in the state.

"The federal health authority under the able leadership of Dr Noor Hisham is doing its level best to fight the pandemic in Sabah and the country.

"I am happy to note that Covid-19 cases in Sabah have begun to become stable following a decline in cases as announced by Dr Noor Hisham yesterday and that many zones and districts in Sabah have turned green," he said in a statement today.

Hajiji's comments came in the wake of criticism by Bintulu member of parliament Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, who during a Dewan Rakyat sitting had accused Dr Noor Hisham of not going to the ground in Sabah to check the Covid-19 situation there because the latter was "afraid to die."

Tiong has since been on the receiving end of a severe backlash by various quarters, who had defended Dr Noor Hisham as well as the frontliners.

As of yesterday, Sabah had 2,900 Covid-19 patients receiving treatment in hospitals and low-risk treatment centres.

The state also saw its Nabawan district turn into a 'green zone' yesterday. It still has 12 red zones, two orange zones and 10 yellow zone districts.

Hajiji had earlier on behalf of the state Covid-19 Disaster Management Committee, received ventilators, mobile x-ray machines, face masks and financial contributions from the Hap Seng Group through the Lau Gek Poh Foundation, and from Petronas through Yayasan Petronas, as well as from Cement Industries Sabah.

"On behalf of the state government I would like to extend our appreciation for the contributions, which are really needed in combating Covid-19 in Sabah," he said.

Also present were Local Government and Housing Minister cum state Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, State Secretary Datuk Seri Safar Untong as well as State Health director Datuk Christina Rundi.
