Fully vaccinated woman is index case for another Aidilfitri Tawau cluster

 By Olivia Miwil - May 27, 2021 @ 9:19pm

The 53-year-old developed Covid-19 symptoms on May 15 and was confirmed positive for the virus by the Tawau district health clinic here on May 20. - STR/DANIAL SAAD
The 53-year-old developed Covid-19 symptoms on May 15 and was confirmed positive for the virus by the Tawau district health clinic here on May 20. - STR/DANIAL SAAD

KOTA KINABALU: A fully vaccinated woman has become the index case for the Desa Ranggu cluster in Tawau during Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

The woman had completed her first dose on March 6 and her second on March 17, said Sabah Covid-19 spokesperson Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun.

The 53-year-old developed Covid-19 symptoms on May 15 and was confirmed positive for the virus by the Tawau district health clinic here on May 20.

"Based on initial investigations, the index case is believed to have been infected from one contact who visited her during Hari Raya on May 13.

"The social contact also had records of movement to three houses at Taman Desa Ranggu and the mother-in-law's house at Kampung Jawa Tawau before testing positive on May 22," he said in a statement, adding the cluster has 18 cumulative cases.

Sabah today recorded 217 Covid-19 cases with one death in Kunak.

Out of those cases, two are from a new cluster, 42 from existing clusters, 10 from targeted screening, 117 from close contacts tests, and 37 are from symptomatic cases as well as three from pre-admissions to wards. The sole death and the other cases are categorised as miscellaneous.

Meanwhile, Masidi said the state government has decided to cancel all golfing tournaments until June 7.

However, it is allowed for recreational activities where a player cannot share a buggy with others.

The state government through the Sabah Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAINS) has also directed for Muslim congregants at surau and mosques to bring their own prayer rugs and 'telekung' when performing their prayers at these places.

The same standard operating procedure is also applied at other places of worship as congregants need to bring their own personal items for prayer sessions.
