Sabah new cluster likely to spread at parking company

 By Olivia Miwil - June 3, 2021 @ 9:57pm

State Covid-19 spokesman Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the index case for Jalan Coastal Sembulan Kota Kinabalu is a 38-year-old technician who tested positive for Covid-19 on May 27, two days after developing symptoms. -NSTP File Pix
State Covid-19 spokesman Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the index case for Jalan Coastal Sembulan Kota Kinabalu is a 38-year-old technician who tested positive for Covid-19 on May 27, two days after developing symptoms. -NSTP File Pix

KOTA KINABALU: A new cluster in Sabah today involved the spread of Covid-19 infection at a workplace in the state capital.

State Covid-19 spokesman Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun said the index case for Jalan Coastal Sembulan Kota Kinabalu is a 38-year-old technician who tested positive for Covid-19 on May 27, two days after developing symptoms.

He said the man is a worker at a parking concessionaire company near Riverson Sembulan here.

"Following that, screening of close contacts also found six others are infected, including one in Papar… the rest are from here.

"Based on early investigations, the spread of Covid-19 infection probably occurred at the workplace," he said in a statement.

Sabah recorded 203 Covid-19 cases today with two deaths from Sandakan and one each here and in Lahad Datu, Kunak, Semporna and Tawau.

To date, 140,320 people in Sabah have received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccines while 82,974 have completed their vaccination.

The state has 574,089 or 19.6 per cent of total population registered for the vaccination programme.

Masidi said people who were required to travel between districts to be vaccinated have to provide proof of their appointments at the roadblocks.

"As for civil servants, they are advised to produce the employer's printed letter of permission or the soft copy on their handphones."
