People reminded to be careful, avoid taking risks during rainy days

 By Olivia Miwil - September 4, 2021 @ 3:48pm

People are reminded to be careful while on the roads especially during rainy days. - Bernama file pic
People are reminded to be careful while on the roads especially during rainy days. - Bernama file pic

KOTA KINABALU: People are reminded to be careful while on the roads especially during rainy days.

Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Bung Mokhtar Radin was commenting on the incident of a car that was swept away by strong currents at Jalan Kionsom Lama bridge yesterday.

"If the area is flooded or there are strong currents, I would like to advise drivers not to cross as it will endanger their lives," he said in a statement.

Yesterday, a Perodua Myvi car was washed away by strong currents and found about 200 metres from the bridge today.

The Fire and Rescue department managed to retrieve the car at 11.28am and found a 37-year-old passenger, Juning Maturun, who was unconscious in the car. The driver Simon Sanga Tupe is still missing.

Bung, who is also state Public Works minister, said the ministry would repair the affected roads and landslides at several districts in the state following incessant rain since Thursday.

"Our side has asked the concessionaires to monitor and repair or provide alternatives so that the road users will not be affected," he added.

As for the reports on inundated roads associated with the construction of Pan Borneo Highway, Bung had asked contractors to monitor and clear the drains.

As of noon, 96 people from six villages from Sipitang, Beaufort and Penampang were seeking shelters at 31 evacuation centres.
